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A Painting Episode


So usually, as a painter, I'm fitting time in to paint.

I'm really prolific in quantity and I say that's because I'm always learning and practicing so I have to do it a lot. I was lucky enough this past weeks to be granted permission to paint some amazing bird photos and have really enjoyed those! I think I'm moving into other subjects for a bit but I always love to return to birds. The colors and textures of birds are just amazing to me and they are really tough to capture.

Fur is another tough thing for me to capture as you can see in the fox painting below. Despite the slightly clumsy rendering of the fox's fur however, I find it charming. I am sure I'll get him posted to the site in one form or another. I got caught up in this rabbit, not so much in how I managed the fur (or didn't manage it) but the background grabbed me. I am really interested in the way watercolor moved through water. Learning to control that is something I push for all the time. And sometimes, I stumble into a workable result that I am pleased with.

It's been a painting flurry around here and I couldn't be more pleased. Now I'm off to see how to incorporate some of these paintings into fun collections to post on the site.

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