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Well before I explain that title, I have to tell you, we are in LDSB or, "Life During Shed Build" There is now life defined as BSB or, "Before Shed Build" or, hopefully, life ASB. You get the idea. We're SO close to being done though - the walls are in, window boxes built, wiring is in. We just need a door, ceiling, floors and our heater installed and then we can build some work spaces, and hang up some shelves. Sounds easy right? Like knock it out in a weekend right? Well it's been three months and it seemed easy at the start! In fact, I choose a plan that boasted that the shed could be built in a weekend.

Not so says my aching back and more muscled arms. Turns out that we sort of customized the plan AND I am very thrifty (read cheap), so aside from dimensional lumber and insulation, I sourced everything piecemeal. And because I used solid cedar at 3/4 of an inch thick for the siding, all the outside dimensions were different than any standard material, including our replacement windows I bought cheap from some fellow on Facebook.

But it was worth it to use that cedar, it's from Michigan and it looks AMAZING. We could only afford six inch wide boards so the board and batten looks incredibly detailed. Actually, it doesn't LOOK detailed, it was a detailed installation! Every board had to be cut 2-3 times. Every one. There are 42 pieces of wood on each side friends- that is a lot of cutting.

But I'm just now back from getting paint for the inside walls and I ordered a swatch of wall paper for the east wall. It's close, it is SO close. Just a few more weekends until ASB time.

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