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The Beginnings of Fall


It's still late summer here in the North. The Black-eyed Susans are still blooming, our garden is still in full production and the days have been warm. But you can feel the fall in the air. Days are starting to shorten more quickly and it gets dark earlier and light earlier. Not a lot earlier but there are fewer days light hours each few weeks.

September is the beginning of fall and usually ends up being a month filled with change. While the temperatures are comfortable for shorts and a t-shirt right now, within the next 30 days it will be time to cozy sweaters. We're harvesting tomatoes and watering the garden right now but at the end of this month, we'll start looking for frost. The leaves are green with a touch of yellow or orange here and there right now but in a month we'll be enjoying the beginnings of the fall color.

The change happens in what seems like a week but when you look back in mid October, you realize the changes to the weather started about now, in the beginning of September. The bird feeders are really busy this time of year and we're seeing some fall warblers pass through on their way south. Early in the evenings, we hear the geese put up a huge racket of honking and wing flapping and we're starting to hear them overhead in the afternoons. The light now is edging toward a more dusky southern light as it starts rising a bit lower each day.

September is the start of fall here in the North and we couldn't be more excited to welcome in a new season.

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