These birds are instantly recognizable and a welcome addition to any spring lawn. They are migratory and often travel south in the winter and north in spring to raise their young. They have a cheerful and loud chirping call that is often the first indication of sproing in the north.
Soon after you hear them, you'll see them running and hopping along open spaces. They have a wonderful habit of running or hopping along the ground and then stopping, head tilted, listening and watching. They eat primarily worms and small insects in the leaf litter and grass. They also eat a lot of fruit such as berries. During colder spring and fall days when insects are not plentiful, you'll often find them eating berries in shrubs and trees. They are especially adapted to grab and pull earthworms from the ground with their strong and pointed beaks and can often be seen pulling on one end of a hapless earthworm.
These birds are common in all of North American, moving from northern to southern areas depending on local conditions. Some robins stay in the northern areas all winter but are not often seen as they feed in shrubs and trees and are much quieter in the winter months. Robins are commonly thought of as city or suburban birds but they are quite at home in wilderness areas as well. A member of the thrush family, their song is very loud and easily identified.
Robins are common backyard birds and very easy to entice into nesting in close proximity of humans. A simply nest box or platform is all that is needed. If you're lucky enough to have one nest near your home, you've likely been startled by the loud chirp and subsequent scolding every time you walk near their nest. Robins can raise up to four broods per year when the conditions are well. They often raise an closer average to two nests per year. They need to raise multiple nests per year as the babies often don't survive the summer.
WIth their cheerful song, comfort with humans and bright red breast, the robin is a springtime favorite. A nest platform and some fresh water for them to drink will quickly bring them to your yard if you want a nesting pair to observe.